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Encierro Capital is the first audiovisual production of the Cultural Extension area of the Linkage with the Environment Directorate of the University of Aysén. A 7-episode web series that arises in the context of the health emergency COVID-19 and which raises different questions associated with the pandemic that lead us to make a link with the seven deadly sins that, without a doubt, we have been able to observe through the human actions that arise as powerful impulses, associated with the essence of people, their context and the way of conceiving personal and social life.

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Data sheet

Status: Completed

Name: Encierro Capital

Format: Web series- fiction

Chapters: 8

Duration: 7 minutes

Year of production: 2020

Year of release 2020

Country: Chile

Language: Spanish

Directed and written by: Sol Insunza Barra

Executive Production: Carol Moreno

Dir. Cinematography and Editing: Os Oyarce

Direct sound and music: Juan Pablo Aguilera

Cast: Carlos Galdames, Francisca Diaz, Gloria Hernandez, Pilar Cuevas, Christian Lira, Cecilia Barril, Felipe Vidal, Patricia Barra.

Production: Catarsis Films. Teatro Huevo, Universidad de Aysén.


Status: Finished

Direction and script: Sol Insunza Barra

Executive Producer: Carol Moreno 

Production: Catharsis Films.Egg Theater,University de Aysen.


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